How does our TRUST support you?



  • All adults involved with the school (teachers, governors, pastoral team, administration staff) support you and your career education.
  • Every adult wants you to achieve your career goals and make sure that you have a successful life when you leave us after Year 11.



  • We want you and your parents to be able to find information out about the specific jobs you are interested in so we teach you about it in PSHE lessons, using the Career Development Institute framework to make sure your understanding of careers is well-rounded.
  • We strongly believe that everyone has the right to the same opportunities and will support students who require any extra assistance to achieve their goals and full potential in their career choices.



We want to deliver the best possible information about your future career and we do this through unifrog to allow children and their parents/carers to access the latest information about local and national careers.  This website has a personality tool that will help you to think about the best route to employment for you, based on things you’re already interested in as well as explore post-16 and post-18 options.  This can all be recorded on the website to build up a career portfolio.



Every student will engage with the Academy’s career provision in many different ways and this could look like some of the opportunities listed below:

  • PSHE lessons (Personal, Social and Health Education).
  • Assemblies.
  • After-school workshops.
  • Individual mock interviews.
  • Enterprise events.
  • College partnership courses.
  • College, University and Further Education visits.
  • Employer presentations.
  • Posters and leaflets.
  • ‘World of Work’ Week.
  • A careers interview with a careers adviser in Years 10 and 11.
  • Parent’s evening.
  • Options evening.
  • Open evenings.
  • Encouraging you to take part in NCS (National Citizen Service).