Year 7

Autumn Term

Dreams, goals and how to get there

  • What’s a career? Look at the careers noticeboards, ask your form tutor in PSHE, speak with Mr Oliver.
  • What are the jobs of the future? What jobs will we have in the future and what skills will we need for them?
  • What’s your dream job? Think about what you, and your classmates would be really good at doing as a career.
  • What motivates you to do something? What are the benifits to hard work?

PSHE Content

  • I can identify my dreams and goals and recognise that these may change over time.
  • I can identify some of the skills that may benefit my future, including employment.
  • I can use my experiences, including mistakes and setbacks, to make appropriate changes to my plans and behaviour.
  • I can explain how responsible choices enable me to move towards my dreams and goals.
  • I can give an example of when an irresponsible or unsafe choice could affect a person’s dreams and goals.
  • I can give an example of when an irresponsible or unsafe choice could affect a person’s dreams and goals.
  • I understand that the choices I make affect my relationships, health and future.

Spring Term

Motivation, rewards and staying positive

  • Will it be easy? What if it’s not? Managing setbacks.
  • What are your motivations? What matters most to you in our job? Money? Making a difference? Being able to travel?
  • What is a network of support? Who is supporting me?

PSHE Content

  • I can describe what prejudice and discrimination are.
  • I know what bystanders are and their impact on bullying.
  • I can explain some ways the Equality Act protects against prejudice and discrimination.
  • I can challenge my own and others’ attitudes and values, and accept difference in others.
  • I can understand the wide range of roles in society and the variety of individuals that operate within them.
  • I understand what stereotyping means and its potential impact.
  • I can define stereotyping and explain why it is unhelpful.
  • I can challenge prejudice and discrimination assertively.
  • I understand that positive and negative discrimination can take different forms and how it can affect people’s lives.
  • I know what the Equality Act is and can give some examples of protected characteristics.
  • I can understand what bullying is and what it is not and some of the motivations behind bullying behaviours.
  • I understand how respect has an impact on relationships.

Summer Term

Raising aspirations

  • Do you want to go to university? Discover what options you have after you finish college.
  • Could you be an apprentice? Research what an apprenticeship is and what professions offer them.
  • What could you learn over the summer holidays? Plan how to make the most of the summer holidays.

PSHE Content

  • I can understand that discernment is an important skill when being a consumer of media.
  • I know that the media can have a positive or negative impact on a person’s self-esteem or body image.