Year 9

Autumn Term

What are my skills and where could I improve?

  • What are you brilliant at? Analyse your strengths and weaknesses.
  • Where could these skills lead you? Explore which jobs fit your skill set.
  • How could you be even better? Managing criticism and acting on constructive feedback.
  • What are your options at 14, 16 and 18?

PSHE Content

  • I can identify my personal strengths.
  • I can identify some health goals I would like to achieve.
  • I can produce a SMART plan and know how to apply it to support my life and learning.
  • I am able to accept helpful feedback and reject unhelpful criticism.
  • I know the difference between mental health and mental ill-health.
  • I can consider factors that can contribute to a person’s mental ill health.
  • I know how to access support if I am worried about a mental health issue.
  • I can understand how media manipulation can be involved in a person’s mental ill-health.
  • I can understand how and why some media is manipulated I can consider how self-esteem can be affected by the media positively and negatively.
  • I know where to access help if worried about a mental health concern.
  • I understand my own mental health and how to recognise signs of mental ill-health in myself and others.

Spring Term

Young people at work, in their community and in society

  • What are the laws surrounding young people and work? Legislation and young people at work.
  • Why does all work experience help your career?
  • How can we work towards a better future? Better societies and communities.

PSHE Content

  • I can give examples of different types of prejudice and discrimination.
  • I can explain how the Equality Act has protected characteristics and why these are important.
  • I can distinguish between ‘banter’ and sexist, LGBT-phobic and racist language.
  • I know where to report bullying.
  • I understand the legal consequences of bullying and hate crime.
  • I can explain why some people can display sexist and ageist behaviour.
  • I understand the complexities associated with gender identity.
  • I can challenge my own and others’ attitudes towards difference in relation to sexism, ageism and gender identity.
  • I can identify positive and negative language and can recognise my own language style.

Summer Term

Tools for developing new skills

  • How can you prepare for exam success? Revision tips to help you do your best.
  • Change isn’t easy. How can you overcome that?

PSHE Content

  • I know that my mental health can be affected by different situations and experiences.
  • I know about some common mental health issues.
  • I can challenge stigma about mental health issues.
  • I know where to access support if I am worried about my mental health.
  • I understand what resilience means.
  • I understand how resilience can developed.